Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Language. Culture. Media communication
Language. Culture. Media communication

Филологические штудии

Albina Anvarova, Tatyana Semyan
Poetics of G. U. Sadulaev’s Book «I Am a Chechen!»
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Darya Atanova, Larisa Tutelova
The Problem of the Dramatic Hero A. P. Chekhov («Ivanov)
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Angelina Borodulina
Poetics of the Album «Gorgorod» by a Rap Artist Oxxxymiron
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Darya Buzueva, Denis Pelikhov
Specificity of Conventional Style in Speech of Video Blogers
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Ekaterina Geller
Didactic Meanings of the Motive of Duality in a Romantic Mystical Story («Field Flowers» by A. Shtifter and «Ghoul» by A. K. Tolstoy)
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Kristina Gribkova
Problems of Linguistic Expertise as an Applied Direction of Language
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Dmitrii Gudov
The Realization of Semantics of Red Color in «The Walking Stephan Novgorodts to Tsargrad»
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Alyona Domorenko
The Image of a Poet in the Novel «The Poet’s Life» by Ludwig Tieck
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Yuliya Dubkovetskaya
Problems of Law and Justice in the Russian Classical Literature at the End of XVIII – First Half of XIX cc.
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Nadezhda Dyrygina
Antonymy of Phraseological Units Characterising People’s Appearance in the English and Spanish Languages
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Mariya Ershova
Descriptions in «The Island of the Day Before» and Painting of the XX Century
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Anastasiya Ivanova
Musical Compositions and Their Role in the Plot of Play «Mutter» by V. Durnenkov
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Elena Kaldaeva
The Problem of «Collective Guilt and Responsibility» of the German People in Wolfgang Borchert’s Story «Here is Our Manifesto»
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Ekaterina Kirillicheva
Poetic Miniature of V. A. Zhukovsky
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Evgeniya Kovaleva
Features of the Title and List of Content of the Novel «Petrov in the Flu and around It» by A. B. Salnikov
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Natalya Konysheva
Love as Gaining of the Integrity of the Soul and Sense in the Novel «The Con-fusions of Young Torless»
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Anastasiya Kungurtseva
The Figurative System in the Novel «The Aviator» by Evgeny Vodolazkin
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Anna Menshenina, Nina Terenteva
Genre Features of the Book «Zatеsi» ву V. P. Astafiev
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Leyla Mirzoeva
Narrative Organization of Maria Stepanova’s Novel «In Memory of Memory»
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Juliya Morozova
The Image of the Urals in the Lyrics of L. K. Tatianicheva and K. V. Skvortsov
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Renata Patarova, Natalya Zykhovskaya
Compositional Features of D. Glukhovsky’s Novel «Text»
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Tatyana Praslova
Features of the Narrative in L. Andreev’s novel «the diary of satan»
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Olga Provatorova, Yana Shelgunova
V. Tsoi’s philosophical rock poetry
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Anastasiya Sazonova
Emily Brontё’s Novel «Wuthering Heights» in the Cinema: Movie Adaptation by Andrea Arnold (2011)
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Anna Samovarnova
Children’s Theme in the Works of V. Levanov (on the Example of the Plays «Peeps» and «Mother-Death»)
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Marina Sirotina
Figurative and Symbolic Details in the Novella by N. S. Leskov «Lady Mac-beth of the Mtsensk District»
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Tatyana Solovyova, Larisa Tutelova
Integrity (Continuity) in the Lyric Cycle «Nobody’s Muse» by Elena Isaeva
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Veronika Strelnikova, Kseniya Dubnova, Ildar Safiullin
Charlotta Brontё’s Novel «Jane Eyre» in the Movie Adaptations of 1983 and 2011
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Valerya Syrvacheva
«The Last World» by Christoph Ransmayr as Metaroman
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Veronika Topolskaya; Natalya Zykhovskaya
Features of the Genre Nomination of Maria Stepanova’s Book «In Memory of Memory: Romance»
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Elvina Khakimullina
An Element of a Revolt as a Literary Dominant in the Paris Text of R. I. Rozhdestvensky
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Darya Khramova, Irina Borisova
Graphic Techniques in the Poem by M. Y. Lermontov «The Prisoner of the Caucasus»
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Darya Shamanova
Motive for Escape in Teen Drama of Late XX – Early XXI Century
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Yana Shebelbain
Fritz Kater’s Formal Experiments in the GDR Trilogy
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Dandan Shi
Phonetic Means of Expressing Intonation in Russian Speech of the Chinese
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