The author's dialogue with the reader as a structural element of N.G. Chernyshevsky's novel "What to Do?"
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Kewords: Chernyshevsky; the image of a reader; an astute reader; a reader; a receptive and communicative model, types of readers.


The article is devoted to the study of the reader's dialogue with the author, based on the study of the receptive-communicative model "author-hero-reader". Defining the features of communication and the relationship between the author and the reader. The specifics of the embodiment of the reader's image in a work of fiction. The author's demarcation of the boundaries of the real world and the artistic one, as an opportunity to get closer to his reader by dividing into types of readers that the author of the work builds, as a basis for building a composition and a structure-forming connection with his reader and identifying the features of the novel.

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