The Concept of Poetic Creativity in the Lyrics of Masha Kaleco
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German poetry
Masha Kaleco
the theme of poetry
image structure
image of the poet


Three poems by the German poetess of Jewish origin Masha Kaleko, «Woman in Culture» («Die Leistung der Frau in der Kultur»), «A Little Fame» («Das Bißchen Ruhm») and «Not modernist» («Kein Neutner»), correspond with significantly different periods of her work: emigration to the United States in 1938, refusal of the writer from the prestigious Fontane literary award in 1959 and returning to modernist memories taken against the backdrop of the events of 1968. Turning to the theme of poetry, the author claims as the main values clarity, accessibility to the general reader, naturalness of poetic creativity, which is akin to poetic phenomena: singing of a bird, growth of a flower, the poet’s modesty.

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