Figurative and Symbolic Details in the Novella by N. S. Leskov «Lady Mac-beth of the Mtsensk District»
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N. S. Leskov «Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk district»


The article deals with figurative and symbolic details that reveal the nature of the character of Katerina Lvovna Izmailova – the main heroine of the Novella by N. S. Leskov «Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk district». The author, writing the work in the sixties, when the women’s issue was being discussed, placed in the center of the story a woman whose love has a passionate character, and the consequences of such love are alternate murders and the tragedy of the life of Katerina Izmailova herself. Analysis of images-symbols and details of portraits of heroes allowed us to trace the stages of the tragedy’s development.

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