Emily Brontё’s Novel «Wuthering Heights» in the Cinema: Movie Adaptation by Andrea Arnold (2011)
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Emily Brontё
«Wuthering Heights»
movie adaptation
Andrea Arnold
the system of characters


The paper deals with the movie adaptation of Emily Brontё’s «Wuthering Heights» directed by Andrea Arnold. Our goal is to compare the novel and its film version, analyze the plot, the characters, and the main problems in E. Brontё’s book and a movie. There are also advantages and disadvantages of Andrea Arnold’s movie adaptation.

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Бронте, Э. Грозовой перевал / Э. Бронте ; пер.с англ. Н. Д. Вольпин. – М. : АСТ, 2014. – 412 с.

Плахов, А. Поэма с исполнителями / А. Плахов // Коммерсантъ Weekend. – 2012. – № 7. – С. 28. – http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/1878890 (дата обращения: 13.11.2019).

Bradshaw, P. Wutheringheights-review / P. Bradshaw. – https://www.theguardian.com/film/2011/nov/10/wuthering-heights-film-review (дата обращения: 30.11.2019).

Gilbey, R. Interview: AndreaArnold: ‘Idon’tdoeasyrides’ / R. Gilbey. – http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2011/oct/31/andrea-arnold-wuthering-heights-interview (дата обращения: 29.11.2019).

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