V. Tsoi’s philosophical rock poetry
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V. Tsoi
philosophical rock poetry
rock hero
motif of death
motif of loneliness;
motif of rebellion


The article deals with the specifics of philosophical rock poetry, and its aim is the study of rock-poetry from the point of view of understanding man’s place in the world, the laws of the universe, social reality on a material of creativity of the representative of Russian rock – Viktor Tsoi (band «Kino»), because of the iconic role of the author in the development of Russian rock 1980–1990-s the relevance of the work lies in the fact that the issue at this stage is poorly understood.

The article defines Russian rock poetry as a relatively new phenomenon that develops in specific conditions.the author identifies features that place rock poetry in the position of a «new phenomenon of the epoch». V. Tsoi’s texts are defined by the author as philosophical doctrines that reflect a person’s perception of the world in the 1980s and 1990s.

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