Features of the Narrative in L. Andreev’s novel «the diary of satan»
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subject sphere
the crisis of the novel
the interaction of «I» – «other»


The article examines the features of the subjective sphere of L. Andreev’s novel «The Diary of Satan» in the context of the crisis of the novel at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries, when the author is forced to look for new forms of depicting the integral consciousness and the possibility of overcoming human alienation. Based on the analysis of the narrative in Andreev’s novel, it is concluded that the author organizes a new whole from two multidirectional consciousnesses capable of an adequate perception of reality. Such a synthesis is the result of an individual author’s search for the possibility of overcoming the problem of alienation of a person and understanding the «other».

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Бройтман, С. Н. Историческая поэтика / С. Н. Бройтман, Н. Д. Тамарченко, В. И. Тюпа // Теория литературы : учебное пособие : в 2 т. – М. : Академия, 2004. – Т. 2. – 368 с.

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