The article deals in detail with spatial and temporal images and motives in the Russian-language novels «Zuleikha opens her eyes» and «My Children» by G. Yakhina. In the novel Zuleikha opens her eyes, «her» space is contrasted with «someone else’s». The heroine's native village is contrasted with her native Kazan and the distant Siberian village of Samruk. The change in space-time coordinates in the novel reflects the changing self-consciousness of the heroine. This process of changing places contributes to the spiritual revival of the heroine. In the second novel «My Children», the realistic space of the German colony of Gnadental is contrasted with the «magical» farm of Udo Grimm, where the reincarnation of the school teacher Jacob Bach into a storyteller-prophet takes place. Of particular significance in the novel is the image of the Volga – the border between two worlds. The chronotope in G. Yakhina’s novels performs not only world-modeling, but also identifying functions.
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Иконникова, С. Н. Хронотоп культуры как основа диалога поколений / С. Н. Иконникова. – СПб. : Санкт-Петербургское философское общество, 2001. – С. 69–74.
Яхина, Г. Зулейха открывает глаза / Г. Яхина. – М. : АСТ : Редакция Елены Шубиной, 2009. – 512 с.
Яхина, Г. Дети мои : роман / Г. Яхина. – М. : АСТ : Редакция Елены Шубиной, 2018. – 493 с.

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