S. A. Yesenin’s Poem «The Black Man» in the Intertextual Aspect
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S. A. Yesenin
Black man»
intertextual aspect
roll calls
functions of connections in the poem
connection with other works


The problem of analyzing the poem in the aspect of intertext. Intertext and intertextuality. Analysis of the poem «Black man» by S. A. Yesenin. In this article, we have attempted an intertextual approach to the analysis of a work, the purpose of which is to identify similarities with other works and other authors. The work is devoted to the problem of analyzing the poem «Black man» in an intertextual aspect. We are interested in how certain works are related to the image of the Black man and to S. A. Yesenin himself.in other words, our interest is in intertextual elements, connections and their functions in the poem.

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