The Problem of «Collective Guilt and Responsibility» of the German People in Wolfgang Borchert’s Story «Here is Our Manifesto»
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Wolfgang Borchert
borders of victory and defeat
military generation
post-war realities
anti-fascist position


The article presents an examination of the problem of German perception of the end of world war II through its reflection in the story «Here is our Manifesto» by the brightest representative of the literature of the «zero period» («zero hour») Wolfgang Borchert. The different interpretation of the borders of victory and defeat in the story is shown. The characteristic of the military generation is described, which naturally correlates with the composition of the story. The study reveals the concept of «jazz» as a leitmotif of the work. The synthesis of jazz and marching is established, as well as the meaning of music in the text. Wolfgang Borchert's clearly anti-fascist position is shown.

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