Didactic Meanings of the Motive of Duality in a Romantic Mystical Story («Field Flowers» by A. Shtifter and «Ghoul» by A. K. Tolstoy)
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A. Stifter
A. C. Tolstoy
Austrian literature
Russian literature


The purpose of the article is to show how the mysticism of the romantic «terrible story» of the authors under study consistently obeys the moral and didactic task of finding true love for the hero, rejecting random, false, egoistic aspirations, correcting the mistakes of the past. In both cases, the system of doubles is implemented through a story within a story, which allows us to establish a relationship of duality between the characters acting in different space, time, connecting works of different arts that appear with the help of ekphrasis, poetic and prose parts of the text.

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