Genre and Artistic Structure of a Modern Literary Tale (on the Example of the Tale of Peter Aleshkovsky «Rudl and Burdle»)
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fairy tale and folklore tradition
modern literary fairy tale
art world
author’s concept


The modern world makes authors again turn to the genre of fairy tales to immerse themselves in a new magical world, filled with secrets and unknown depths, to create their own wonderful world and find a shell for their thoughts and feelings. Time makes the fairy tale more and more free, refracting traditions and embodied in new forms. The authors of fairy tales continue to implement various literary and aesthetic tasks, transform and modernize traditional fairy tales, transfer magical and fantastic elements and images to the realities of modern life.

The modern fairy tale continues the tradition of previous tales to do good, teach and entertain, but through the genre transformation, the prism of the author’s experience and his life position. But at the present stage of its development, a fairy tale is a completely unique work that has a unique art world and an original concept. A fairy tale becomes free in the interpretation of traditional fairy tale motifs. This article will offer an analysis of the genre-thematic features of the tale of P. Aleshkovsky «Rudle and Bourdle».

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