Problems of Law and Justice in the Russian Classical Literature at the End of XVIII – First Half of XIX cc.
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legislative work


Law and literature of the 18th – first half of the 19th centuries are closely related. An example of this is one of Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev's works «Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow», which is imbued with the legal foundations of the time. А. N. Radishchev was probably one of the first cultural figures and lawyers who voiced the discrepancy between the law and law enforcement practice, began an open discussion of shortcomings in the administration of justice and pointed to the injustice of the serfdom, legitimized by Russian law.

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Биография А. Н. Радищева, написанная его сыновьями / подг. текста, статья и примеч. Д. С. Бабкина ; Акад. наук СССР. Ин-т русской литературы (Пушкинский дом). – М. ; Л. : Изд-во Акад. наук СССР. [Ленингр. отд-ние], 1959. – 132 с.

Отечественная история : словарь исторических терминов : методические указания для самостоятельной работы / сост.: И. В. Волошинова, А. Б. Мокеев, В. Н. Шайдуров. – СПб, 2016. – 63 с.

Радищев, А. Н. Избранные произведения / А. Н. Радищев. – М. ; Л. : Гослитиздат, 1949. –

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