Features of subject organization in the poetry of Alexander Manichenko
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lyrical subject, lyrical “I”, subjectivity, figure of the author, modern Ural poetry.


This article examines the subjective organization of the poetry of the young Chelyabinsk author Alexander Manichenko. A distinctive feature of the poetry of young Ural authors is the polyphony and heterogeneity of the lyrical subject. Young Chelyabinsk poets, unlike their older colleagues, try to get away from direct lyrical statements and from the deliberate autobiography of the lyrical “I”, dressing their heroes in different images. In the case of A. Manichenko, as this study shows, this is the image of a creator, a demiurge, standing above the text, revealing the principles of organization of his poetic world. As part of this study, two books of poems by A. Manichenko were analyzed: “Herbarium” and “Bestiary”.

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Маниченко, А. Бестиарий / А. Маниченко. – Челябинск, 2019. – 31 с.

Маниченко, А. Гербарий / А. Маниченко. – Челябинск, 2019. – 36 с.

Маниченко, А. Стихи / А. Маниченко // Сайт «Полутона». – URL: http://polutona.ru/?show=manichenko (дата обращения: 03.04.2016).

Сваровский, Ф. Несколько слов о «новом эпосе» / Ф. Сваровский // РЕЦ. – 2007. – № 44. – С. 3–6.

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