Распад двучастной структуры в баснях конца XIX – середины ХХ века (на материале басен Ф. М. Достоевского, С. Михалкова, В. С. Высоцкого)
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structure of fable
Russian literature
analysis of fable
two-part fable



Abstract: the article presents an overview of the disintegration of the two–part structure in the fables of the late XIX - mid XX century. It has been established that one of the main features of fables is that they usually contain small instructive stories that are applied to real life. In order to reveal the topic, the article analyzes three fables by authors of different periods within the framework of the late XIX – mid XX century (F. M. Dostoevsky, S. Mikhalkov, V. S. Vysotsky). It was found that by the middle of the twentieth century, the usual structure of fables began to lose its relevance. Social changes in the world began to happen faster, and a simple division into "right" and "wrong" was not enough. The fable received new forms and began to use a variety of techniques and techniques to convey a complex reality and raise important issues.


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