Visual and graphic features of Andrei Cherkasov's blackout poetry.
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Keywords: blackout poetry, Andrey Cherkasov, ready-made,


Abstract: The article reveals the concept of blackout poetry and ready-made. The relevance of blackout poetry and its role in the work of Andrei Cherkasov on the material of the book "The Wind in parts" is revealed. The main visual and graphic techniques used by the author in his book and their role in the development of blackout poetry are considered.

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Черкасов, А. Ветер по частям / А. Черкасов. – Ozolnieki : Literature without borders, 2018. – 75 c.

О «точной» и «неточной» поэзии // Портал Марины Волковой. – (дата обращения: 16.04.2022).

Газетный блэкаут // Austin Kleon. – (дата обращения: 18.04.2022).

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