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vocabulary, obsolete vocabulary, archaisms, classification, questioning, interpretation.


The lexical system of the Russian language is in constant development. The obsolescence of vocabulary and the transition of words into the category of archaisms cause difficulties in understanding texts in which such words occur. Difficulties in understanding vocabulary leads to difficulty understanding and interpreting classical works of art, including those included in the school literature curriculum. This article discusses the classification of obsolete vocabulary, selected using a continuous sample from the most significant poetic works of the 18th century, and also analyzes and describes the results of a survey aimed at identifying the specifics of the perception of archaisms by native speakers of the modern Russian language. The study led to the conclusion that at least half of the studied words related to obsolete vocabulary are not understood by native speakers of the modern Russian language, and when interpreting these words, the reader is guided solely by his linguistic instinct and intuition.

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