The article is dedicated to the study of the system of motives in the work of the Chelyabinsk poet N. B. Rubinskaya. The aim of the work is to identify the dominant motives in the author's lyrics. It is concluded that in the work of N. B. Rubinskaya the main motives are lightness, freedom and loneliness, as well as religious and musical motives.
Рубинская, Н. Б. Бродячая музыка : сборник стихов / Н. Б. Рубинская. – Челябинск : Цицеро, 2004. – 92 с.
Субботина, Ж. Б. Рубинская Наталья Борисовна / Ж. Б. Субботина, Д. А. Чернов // Литературная карта Челябинской области. – 2019. – http://litkarta.chelreglib.ru/persons/writers/rubinskaya-natalya-borisovna/ (дата обращения: 24.03.2022).
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